How do you deal with the “glitter attraction” of worship ministry? People seem to be attracted to our worship team for the wrong reasons.
This indeed can be a problem with any type of up-front ministry. People sometimes want to be part of the worship ministry because they want to be seen. Obviously this is a misguided motivation.
The best way I have found to deal with this is through the use of guidelines for the worship ministry. When people recognize the commitment level that is required, they usually have second thoughts about whether or not this is really what they want to do.
One specific part of our church’s guidelines refers to a probationary period for anyone joining the music ministry. For three months they are required to come to rehearsals, but they are not allowed to minister with us for our services. There are really two reasons for this. First, this gives them time to learn the music and to learn to work with us as a musical group. The other reason is really for a heart check. It is fairly safe to assume that if they are willing to make the commitment of practicing with us each week for three months, that they are not just wanting to be seen up in front. Obviously, this is not always a guarantee, but it is generally a good indicator of a proper heart attitude.
Additionally, sharing your heart about the real purpose of the music ministry can be a big help. When potential worship team candidates understand that our real role is that of a servant, it can cause them to rethink their motivation in wanting to be part of that ministry.
There will always be the “glitter” attraction to the music ministry, but these ideas can keep those who ultimately become involved for the wrong reasons to a minimum.